segunda-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2010

revista V!RUS

O número 05 da revista V!RUS propõe como tema a revisitação de conceitos relacionados ao habitar, compreendendo o cotidiano urbano e os lugares nos quais ele se desenvolve. Tais conceitos foram o ponto de partida da criação do Nomads.usp, cujo nome era, em sua formulação inicial, Núcleo de Estudos sobre Habitação e Modos de Vida. Ao longo de seus dez anos de existência, o núcleo foi ampliando e complexizando seus estudos sobre essa relação entre espaços e comportamentos, passando a incluir processos de comunicação, que têm o potencial de tornar híbridos os espaços físicos da habitação e da cidade.

O tema "lugares do habitar: revisited" expressa um tripé no qual apoiamos a reflexão proposta. Por um lado, a noção de lugar envolve espacialidades físicas, híbridas e virtuais vinculadas ao desenrolar da vida cotidiana das pessoas. Por outro, o verbo habitar utilizado como substantivo permite abranger o caráter de imprevisibilidade e não-determinismo, de diversidade e mobilidade, que reveste os atos humanos. Por fim, revisitar esses conceitos significa lançar sobre eles um olhar agora re-orientado por posturas teóricas que foram se tornando importantes no Nomads.usp ao longo dos anos: o pensamento complexo, a teoria cibernética de segunda ordem, os estudos sobre experiência, por exemplo.

O foco da edição é absolutamente contemporâneo, procurando examinar, na atualidade, posturas, reflexões, críticas, registros e proposições relacionados com as atuais concepções de lugares do habitar, no Brasil e no mundo. Busca-se, assim, construir uma visão sobre produtos de ações públicas, privadas ou mistas, em todas as suas formas de produção e uso, inseridos em contexto urbano.

São bem-vindas contribuições que ofereçam explorações da temática central, como aportes advindos das ciências sociais, das artes, da música, da filosofia, dos estudos populacionais, do direito, das ciências médicas, das políticas públicas, dos estudos sobre sustentabilidade sócio-ambiental, sobre domótica e a automação do cotidiano, sobre a qualidade dos produtos imobiliários nas grandes cidades, além das abordagens próprias à arquitetura, ao urbanismo e ao design.

Visando aprofundar a exploração desse assunto, preferimos excluir dessa chamada os processos de projeto, suas linguagens, métodos, meios e ferramentas, os estudos de cunho histórico que abordem períodos passados sem conexão direta com realidades atuais, e os estudos sobre espacialidades e vivências existentes unicamente em ambientes digitais.

Além de textos e imagens fixas, são bem-vindos peças musicais e depoimentos em arquivos de áudio, projetos de arquitetura, urbanismo e design e a reflexão crítica sobre sua concepção, vídeos e filmes curtos, apresentações de slides, animações, entrevistas, considerando o interesse do Nomads.usp em explorar as possibilidades de uso de meios digitais para divulgação científica.

As contribuições serão recebidas através do site da revista até o dia 28 de fevereiro de 2011, segundo as diretrizes para autores, disponíveis em

quinta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2010

Spectralina :: 4 e 5 dez

Spectralina show at the Centro Cultural Dec 4th and Dec 5th an improvised collaboration as Spectrazil: dan bitney | selina trepp | mauricio takara | guilherme granado | carlos issa at espaço +soma.

terça-feira, 9 de novembro de 2010

9° Encontro Internacional de Arte e Tecnologia (#9ART): sistemas complexos artificiais, naturais e mistos

Brasília, UNB

Auditório do Instituto de Artes/Departamento de artes visuais
06 a 13 de novembro de 2010

Palestra: “Processos de criação em mídias digitais: passagens do imaginário na estética da transcriação”


quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

Creativity and Cognition

The 8th ACM Conference on Creativity and Cognition will be held from November 3rd through November 6th at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

The theme of Creativity and Cognition 2011 is Creativity and Technology. We seek to understand human creativity in its many manifestations, to design new interactive techniques and tools to augment and amplify human creativity, and to use computational media technologies to explore new creative processes and artifacts in all human endeavors ranging from the arts to science, from design to education.

We cordially invite submissions to the 8th ACM Conference on Creativity & Cognition (C&C 2011) as well as to the related art program, tutorials, workshops, and graduate student symposium. We welcome contributions from researchers and practitioners, from artists and scientists, from designers, educators and decision makers.

Deadline: March 25, 2011.

sábado, 11 de setembro de 2010

Call for participation :: Art Fair

2nd Digital, Electronic and Media art Encounter

Last year Oudeis (France) launched its first Digital, Electronic and Media art Encounter under the title « Trapped in Freedom ».

It was a one week event spred in three different places : the Espace Lucie Aubrac, le Château d'Assas and le P'tit Comptoir. Videos, installations and an ephemeral editing workshop invited the public to confront the frames of freedom through an artistic point if view.

Deadline : 30th october 2010

Contact :

0(+33) 467 688 719

segunda-feira, 2 de agosto de 2010

VIDA 13.0 - Abierta convocatoria

O prazo das inscrições :: 7 de novembro de 2010.

ISEA2011 Istanbul

ISEA2011 Istanbul is the international festival of new media, electronic and
digital arts. The 17th International Symposium on Electronic Art, a leading
world conference and exhibition event for art, media and technology, is
scheduled for September 14 to 21, 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The ISEA2011 Istanbul exhibition will coincide with the Istanbul Biennial and will
provide a fantastic opportunity to showcase contemporary new media arts.

We invite proposals for panels, artworks, papers and workshops form artists,
scientist and academics interested in how the digital and electronic media
are re-shaping contemporary society and behaviors.

Deadline 1st December 2010

ISEA2011 Istanbul will be open to proposals encompassing a large range of
topics under the general theme of interdisciplinarity at the intersection of
Art, Science and Technology.

It is our intention to appeal to the hard sciences and the humanities as
well as the art community.

For this reason ISEA2011 Istanbul will host a large variety of thematic
strands ranging from digital art to curatorial studies, from electronic
media to digital architecture, from the intersection of art, science and
technology to the concept of the digital city, from digital humanities to
social media, from nanotechnology and art to urban ecologies, from
transculturalism to mobile art, and more.

Sue Gollifer
Director ISEA International Headquarters
ISEA2011 Istanbul, Turkey

terça-feira, 15 de junho de 2010

I Simpósio de Estética – Temas em torno da Arte Contemporânea

Promoção: Departamento de Filosofia PUCSP
Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Filosofia
Apoio: Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
DIA 16/06
Lucia Leão (COS –PUCSP)
Vera Pallamin (FAU-USP)
Sônia Campaner (Filosofia-PUCSP)
Yolanda Gloria Gamboa Muñoz - (Filosofia – PUCSP) - Mediadora

quinta-feira, 10 de junho de 2010

1º Simpósio de Estética PUC-SP

Entre os dias 14 e 16/6, o Departamento e o Pós em Filosofia promovem
o 1º Simpósio de Estética. O evento terá mesas-redondas com
professores convidados e mesas de comunicações: clique para ver a
programação. Informações: (11) 3670-8417.

sexta-feira, 28 de maio de 2010

The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media

Call for Papers The International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (IJPADM) is seeking contributions to a special issue specifically relating to Mixed Reality and Performance.

Issue Editor: Alan Chamberlain (Mixed Reality Lab - University of Nottingham)

You are invited to submit full journal papers to the International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media (IJPADM) for a special issue on Mixed Reality and Performance. Mixed Reality performances have highlighted our ability to: exist, understand and concurrently engage with both virtual and real worlds in a performative way. The development of the technologies under-pinning such Mixed Reality systems have afforded performers, directors and developers the chance to create experiences that can both spatially and temporally explore the boundaries of performance and understand where and why performance occurs in everyday life. These experiences can exist in a multitude of realities, that not only blur the boundary between the real and the virtual, but also re-define the distinction between the roles of audience and performer, creating new audience/performer-based paradigms.

Although new technologies have furthered these possibilities, there are low-tech approaches that have explored the orchestration and directions of performance and used these mechanisms to convey experience, imbue presence and a sense of place.

Contributions may consider any of the following topics (although these are not prescriptive): full-length articles (ideally between 5000 and 8000 words)


Exploring temporality and spatiality

Understanding new audience/performer-based paradigms

Directing and orchestrating mixed reality experiences

Mixing realities *

Presence and place

Content creation and development for mixed reality experiences

Case studies

Archival representation and re-play

Deadlines for the issue are as follows:

- Submission Deadline 1st June 2010

Submissions should be emailed to:

Dr Alan Chamberlain
Mixed Reality Lab
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road

sexta-feira, 7 de maio de 2010

Banca Mestrado :: Cristiano Natal Toneis


Banca Examinadora:

Programa: Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital
Data: 10/05/2010 Horário: 16h00
Local: Rua Caio Prado 102 – Auditório do 1º 2º andar

Banca Doutorado :: COS

07/05/2010 14:00

sala 04B-10
PUC - Perdizes


Linguagem, corpo e comunicação na arte de Eduardo Kac: em estudo a holopoesia, a arte da telepresença e a bioarte

Arlindo Ribeiro Machado Neto (orientador e presidente) [PUC/SP]

Gilberto Dos Santos Prado [Usp]
Lucia Leao [PUC/SP]
Maria Lucia Santaella Braga [PUC/SP]
Silvia Regina Ferreira De Laurentiz [Usp]
Giselle Beiguelman (Suplente) [Puc/Sp]
Tania Regina Fraga Da Silva (Suplente) [Unb]

domingo, 2 de maio de 2010

The 11th Consciousness International Reframed conference

Call for papers!
The 11th Consciousness International Reframed conference

In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, England, TEKS – Trondheim Electronic Arts Centre, Trondheim, Norway, is hosting the 11th Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference, with the title of ‘MAKING REALITY REALLY REAL‘. The conference will be part of Norway´s new biennial for art and technology, Meta.Morf, that takes place in Trondheim from October 7 to November 7, 2010.

The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling

*** ICIDS 2010 ***

01-03 November 2010, Edinburgh, UK

Submission Deadline: June 14, 2010

The advent of interactive graphical systems lays the basis for a new mode of
story-telling realized as
Interactive Digital Storytelling (IDS), applicable to interactive
entertainment, computer games,
education, therapy and other interactive digital applications. It raises
opportunities and addresses
challenges for redefining the experience of narrative through interactive
simulations of computer-
generated story worlds.

IDS thus offers interesting new possibilities for games, training, and
learning, through the enriching of
virtual characters with intelligent behavior, the collaboration of humans
and machines in the creative
process, and the combination of narrative knowledge and user activity in
interactive artifacts. In order
to create novel applications, in which users play a significant role
together with digital characters and
other autonomous elements, new concepts for Human-Computer Interaction have
to be developed.
Novel conceptions from theoretical work in the Humanities and interactive
art must also be

IDS draws on many aspects of Computer Science, and specifically on
Artificial Intelligence, with topics
such as narrative intelligence, automatic dialogue- and drama
management, cognitive robotics and smart graphics. In order to process
stories in real time, existing
modes of storytelling must be formalized into computable models, combining
ideas from narratology
with computer programming. This has so far resulted in a technological
complexity largely inaccessible
to potential creators of IDS and end-users. There is therefore a need for
new authoring concepts and
tools supporting the creation of dynamic story models, allowing for rich and
meaningful interaction
with the content. Finally, there is a need for theoretical foundations
considering the integration of so
far disjunctive approaches and cultures.

We welcome research papers, case studies and demonstrations ­ including
interactive narrative art -
presenting new scientific results, innovative technologies, creative
insights, best practice showcases, or
improvements to existing techniques and approaches in the multidisciplinary
research field of
interactive digital storytelling and its related application areas, e.g.
games, virtual/online worlds, e-
learning, edutainment, and entertainment.

Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:

* Interactive Storytelling Theory
* Virtual Characters and Agents
* Environments and Graphical Effects
* Interactive Cinematography
* Design of Sound Interactivity
* Story Generation and Drama Management
* New Authoring Modes
* Narrativity in Digital Games
* Mixed Realities and Mobiles
* Tools for Interactive Storytelling
* Emotion Design for Interactive Storytelling
* Non-Visual Senses for Interactive Storytelling
* Social and Cognitive Approaches for Interactive Storytelling
* Semantic knowledge for Interactive Storytelling
* Real-time techniques for Interactive Storytelling
* Collaborative environments for Interactive Storytelling
* Evaluation and user experience reports
* Case studies and demonstrations


All submissions should follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science
format (Information for LNCS Authors at Papers must
be in English.
Only electronic submissions in PDF format will be considered for review.
Submissions (of all categories) that receive high ratings in the review
process will be selected for
publication by the program committee as Springer LNCS conference
proceedings. For the final print-
ready version, the submission of source files (Microsoft Word/LaTeX,
TIF/EPS) and a signed copyright
form will be required.

Submission categories:
- Full papers (8-12 pages in the proceedings)
- Short papers (4-6 pages in the proceedings)
- Demonstration and posters (2-4 pages in the proceedings)

For the submission and review process, we will use the Easychair conference
management system at


June 14, 2010 Submission deadline (all categories)
July 16, 2010 Author notification of the review result
August 13, 2010 Submission of the print-ready version
November 1-3, 2010 ICIDS Conference Interactive Storytelling 2010

A limited number of Student Volunteers will be granted free access to the
conference in exchange for helping with on-site organizational tasks.
Details on application modalities will be published after the reviewing


Co-Chairs: Ruth Aylett, Paolo Petta, Mark Riedl

Organisation Committee Chair: Sandy Louchart

Workshop and Tutorials Chair: Meyii Lim

Sponsors Chair: Lynne Hall

Programme Committee

Arinbjarnar, Maria - University of York, UK
Bae, Byung-Chull ­ Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea
Biggs, Simon - Edinburgh College of Art, UK
Boa-Ventura, Ana ­ University of Texas, Austin, USA
Bushoff, Brunhild ­ Sagasnet, Munich, Germany
Cavazza, Marc ­ University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, UK
Champagnat, Ronan - L3i - Universite de La Rochelle, UK
Correia, Nuno ­ New University of Lisbon, Portugal
Crawford, Chris ­, USA
Donikian, Stéphane ­ IRISA / INRIA, Rennes, France
Fencott, Clive ­ University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
Göbel, Stefan ­ Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Grimm, Paul ­ FH Erfurt, Germany
Hitchens, Michael - Macquarie University, Australia
Iurgel, Ido - CCG Centro de Computação Gráfica, Portugal
Jantke, Klaus P. ­ Fraunhofer IDMT, Ilmenau, Germany
Kudenko, Daniel ­ University of York, UK
Lindley, Craig - Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Magerko, Brian ­ Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Marsella, Stacy - University of Southern California, USA
Müller, Wolfgang ­ University of Education, Weingarten, Germany
Nack, Frank ­ University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Nakasone, Arturo ­ National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Nitsche, Michael - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Pan, Zhigeng ­ Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Pelachaud, Catherine - CNRS Telecom ParisTech, France
Prada, Rui ­ Instituto Superior Técnico and INESC-ID, Lisboa, Portugal
Rank, Stefan - OFAI (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial
Intelligence), Austria
Rety, Jean-Hugues ­ University Paris 8, France
Roberts, David - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Roussou, Maria - makebelieve design & consulting, Greece
Ryan, Marie-Laure ­ Independent Scholar, USA
Schneider, Oliver - IGDV, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Seif El-Nasr, Magy ­ Simon Fraser University, Surrey, Canada
Spierling, Ulrike ­ University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt, Germany
Su, Wen-Poh ­ Griffith University, Nathan, Australia
Sumi, Kaoru ­ National Institute of Information & Communications Technology,
Swanson, Reid ­ University of Southern California, USA
Szilas, Nicolas ­ TECFA, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Tychsen, Anders ­ Dragon Consulting, Denmark
Wages, Richard ­ Cologne University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Walsh, Richard ­ University of York, UK
Wright, Mark - University of Edinburgh, UK
Yannakakis, Giorgios - IT Universtiy of Copenhagen, Denmark
Yun-Gyung, Cheong - Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, South Korea
Zagalo Nelson - University of Minho, Portugal

*** CONTACT ***

+44 (0)131 451 4189
+44 (0)131 451 3327
ICIDS 2010 Organisation
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University,
Riccarton EH14 4AS,
Scotland (UK)

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010

Banca de doutorado :: "Escritura de uma exposição"

Banca de doutorado de Elly Aparecida Rozo Vaz Perez Ferrari
22 de março – segunda-feira – 14 hs – IEB/USP – Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros, USP, Cidade Universitária
“Escritura de uma exposição: diálogos entre uma educadora e acervos pessoais” (com exposição)
Banca: Marcos Ferreira Santos (orientador)
Lucia Leão, PUC / SP
Bernadette Lyra, Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi
Kátia Rubio, EEFE/USP
Rogério de Almeida, FEUSP – Lab_Arte & CICE

segunda-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2010

SIGGRAPH 2010 Art Papers

Call for papers (Deadline: 07/01/2010 )

SIGGRAPH 2010, in collaboration with Leonardo/ISAST, honors not only artists and artwork, but also the process of making art and its place in society. We seek papers that illuminate and explore how people understand the changing roles of artists and art-making in our increasingly networked, multi-sensory, online world.

Arquivos do ISEA 2009

domingo, 3 de janeiro de 2010

Places & Spaces: Mapping Science

Places & Spaces: Mapping Science is meant to inspire cross-disciplinary
discussion on how to best track and communicate human activity and
scientific progress on a global scale. It has two components: the physical
part supports the close inspection of high quality reproductions of maps for
display at conferences and education centers; the online counterpart
provides links to a selected series of maps and their makers along with
detailed explanations of how these maps work. The exhibit is a 10-year
effort. Each year, 10 new maps are added resulting in 100 maps total in

School of Library and Information Science and the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science center at Indiana University


January 3, 2010
10 Years [NewMediaArtProjectNetwork]:||cologne
global heritage of digital culture
1 January - 31 December 2010