Juiz de Fora, dias 12 a 15 de junho de 2012.
Submissão de trabalhos aos GTs pelo site da Compós – 16 de janeiro a 15 de fevereiro de 2012
Os artigos devem ser submetidos aos GTs, exclusivamente através do site da Compós, até as 18h (dezoito horas), horário de Brasília, da data limite de submissão de papers, dia 15 de fevereiro de 2012. No entanto, o sistema eletrônico (servidor de rede) receberá propostas com tolerância de mais 24 (vinte e quatro horas), encerrando-se, impreterivelmente, às 18h (dezoito horas) do dia posterior à data de submissão, horário de Brasília.
• De 16/2 a 13/3/2012 - Avaliação e seleção dos trabalhos pelos GTs;
domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2011
10th Congress of the International Association of Visual Semiotics AISV-IAVS 2012
10th Congress of the International Association of Visual Semiotics AISV-IAVS 2012
Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8, September 2012
venue: Faculty of Law,
University of Buenos Aires Figueroa Alcorta Av. 2263
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Theme of the congress: Contemporary dilemmas of visuality
Call for papers: http://www.aisv2012.org/docs/aisv2012-eng-call.pdf
300 to 500 words in English, Spanish or French
Theme of the congress:
Contemporary dilemmas of visuality /
Dilemas contemporáneos de lo visual / Dilemmes contemporains du visuel
A dilemma (from the Greek, dis = two, lemma = topic or premise) is a problem whose solution allows for two possibilities, but none of them is completely satisfactory, so that a difficult choice comes out, upon which ethical and moral issues oſten impact. When a dilemma appears it is not possible to choose from a correct or an incorrect issue, but between two options that may be correct at the same time, but contrary to each other in a certain sense; between two equally appreciated values which, however, come into a conflict. In the field of visuality the dilemmas appear frequently, and seem to have multiplied themselves in the contemporary world, where images and their implications have acquired new strength in the infinite web of global connectivity.
It is perhaps in the field of photography –and particularly in press photography, traditionally linked to the greater effects of reality– where the most dilemmatic situations arise today: to make visible –or not– the oſten terrifying image of the present conflictive scenario, with its wars, attacks, famine, forced migrations, that put us “regarding the pain of others”, as Susan Sontag pointed out, and that may elicit undecidable political dilemmas that involve power factors in a worldwide level. In this extreme visibility, which expands the limits of the knowable, where the many forms of art also are displayed, images seem to recover the symbolic power that worried the ancient people, putting them at the risk of new idolatries. Visibility is assumed as a condition of democracy, as an imaginary of transparency, but also as an erasure of the uncertain threshold between public and private domains, another of the dilemmatic zones.
The dilemmatic visual situations are not limited, however, to moral or cultural questions; they appear equally in the more primary context of visual perception. In this sense, visual ambiguities, paradoxes and antinomies have also a place in the theme we are concerned with. The identification of the referents may suffer from the hesitations coming both from the perceptual organism and from the organization of the object. Even images that are generated and used in the context of scientific practices (diagnosis, experimentation, demonstration, explanation, etc.), which are oſten endorsed with a pretension of objectivity and unambiguity, do not escape from these situations.
Thus, visual contemporary dilemmas concern both ethics and aesthetics, politics, human and social sciences in general, as well as natural sciences, perhaps with special emphasis on biology. Since all knowledge relies on signs, the semiotic perspective allows precisely for an interdisciplinary and integrating view. Is in this vast territory that we want to pose the semiotic reflection on the dilemmas of visuality, calling to questioning, thinking and criticis
Important dates
29 February 2012: Submission of abstracts of oral papers and posters
30 March 2012: Acceptance of abstracts
1 April to 30 May 2012: Registration (necessary to publish in the Proceedings)
30 May 2012: Submission of full papers for the Proceedings
Tuesday 4 to Saturday 8, September 2012
venue: Faculty of Law,
University of Buenos Aires Figueroa Alcorta Av. 2263
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Theme of the congress: Contemporary dilemmas of visuality
Call for papers: http://www.aisv2012.org/docs/aisv2012-eng-call.pdf
300 to 500 words in English, Spanish or French
Theme of the congress:
Contemporary dilemmas of visuality /
Dilemas contemporáneos de lo visual / Dilemmes contemporains du visuel
A dilemma (from the Greek, dis = two, lemma = topic or premise) is a problem whose solution allows for two possibilities, but none of them is completely satisfactory, so that a difficult choice comes out, upon which ethical and moral issues oſten impact. When a dilemma appears it is not possible to choose from a correct or an incorrect issue, but between two options that may be correct at the same time, but contrary to each other in a certain sense; between two equally appreciated values which, however, come into a conflict. In the field of visuality the dilemmas appear frequently, and seem to have multiplied themselves in the contemporary world, where images and their implications have acquired new strength in the infinite web of global connectivity.
It is perhaps in the field of photography –and particularly in press photography, traditionally linked to the greater effects of reality– where the most dilemmatic situations arise today: to make visible –or not– the oſten terrifying image of the present conflictive scenario, with its wars, attacks, famine, forced migrations, that put us “regarding the pain of others”, as Susan Sontag pointed out, and that may elicit undecidable political dilemmas that involve power factors in a worldwide level. In this extreme visibility, which expands the limits of the knowable, where the many forms of art also are displayed, images seem to recover the symbolic power that worried the ancient people, putting them at the risk of new idolatries. Visibility is assumed as a condition of democracy, as an imaginary of transparency, but also as an erasure of the uncertain threshold between public and private domains, another of the dilemmatic zones.
The dilemmatic visual situations are not limited, however, to moral or cultural questions; they appear equally in the more primary context of visual perception. In this sense, visual ambiguities, paradoxes and antinomies have also a place in the theme we are concerned with. The identification of the referents may suffer from the hesitations coming both from the perceptual organism and from the organization of the object. Even images that are generated and used in the context of scientific practices (diagnosis, experimentation, demonstration, explanation, etc.), which are oſten endorsed with a pretension of objectivity and unambiguity, do not escape from these situations.
Thus, visual contemporary dilemmas concern both ethics and aesthetics, politics, human and social sciences in general, as well as natural sciences, perhaps with special emphasis on biology. Since all knowledge relies on signs, the semiotic perspective allows precisely for an interdisciplinary and integrating view. Is in this vast territory that we want to pose the semiotic reflection on the dilemmas of visuality, calling to questioning, thinking and criticis
Important dates
29 February 2012: Submission of abstracts of oral papers and posters
30 March 2012: Acceptance of abstracts
1 April to 30 May 2012: Registration (necessary to publish in the Proceedings)
30 May 2012: Submission of full papers for the Proceedings
ICDHS 2012 • Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies
ICDHS 2012 • Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies
8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and
Design Studies
3-6 September
São Paulo - Brazil
University of São Paulo • Mackenzie Presbyterian University
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ICDHS 2012 • Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies
History marks territories that in some way or another are reflected in
design. Since the first ICDHS conference, held in Barcelona in 1999,
significant steps were taken to draw attention to the nature of design
studies, practice and history in a wider world context. Parallel to
that, the configuration of design landscapes has been significantly
altered by education, technology and national state policies intended
to promote local industries and sites by means of design.
The 8th ICDHS conference, “Design Frontiers: territories, concepts,
technologies”, aims to discuss how design history and design studies
may push the limits of design knowledge. The frontiers of design may
be challenged by the exploration of new territories, by the
establishment of new concepts, by the emergence of new technologies,
as well as by rediscovering the past and by finding new ways of
applying current wisdom.
+ + +
Deadline for paper proposals: 29 February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 1 May 2012
Deadline for author registration: 1 July 2012
+ + +
Papers are expected to address one of the conference tracks, and to
make an original contribution to the field of design history and
design studies. Paper proposals will be selected by the ICDHS members
and the scientific committee to cover different areas, methods,
approaches and positions.
All proposals should be submitted via EasyChair system, accessible
through this link.
Submissions should be prepared according to the conference guidelines
available in the conference website.
Official language for submissions is English only.
Papers selected might be indicated to be presented orally or in poster format.
All selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions
for publication in a book of selected papers to be published by
Editorial Designio.
+ + +
TRACK 1 | History of Design Education
This track welcomes historical studies of design education,
particularly comparative studies of design education in different
countries, cultures, periods, in its relationship with art and
technology education.
Track Chairs: Haruhiko Fujita (Osaka University, Japan) & Silvio
Barreto Campello (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
TRACK 2 | Identities and Territories
In this track we expect participants to contribute with discussions on
topics such as micro history, collective identities, gender,
internationalization, marginalization, globalization, and other
studies that focus on design from the perspective of identity and
territorial issues.
Track Chairs: Oscar Salinas Flores (National University of Mexico,
Mexico) & Clice Mazzilli (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 3 | National Policies on Design
This track invites submissions that study totally or partially
state-funded plans and institutions for the promotion of design. Plans
and institutions must be studied as signifying practices in both their
economic and their cultural dimensions.
Track Chairs: Javier Gimeno-Martínez (VU University Amsterdam,
Netherlands & Artesis University College of Antwerp, Belgium) & Cyntia
Malaguti (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 4 | Techniques and Technologies
Papers submitted to this track may be concerned with various
methodologies and different models of process and practice (for
example user centered design, codesign or open design); new
territories of practice emerging from cross disciplinary or
interdisciplinary collaborations; or histories of technique and
practice. Papers may also develop discourse around emerging and
enabling technologies that have impacted or will impact on the
production, reception and consumption of design; or describe different
histories of technologies.
Track Chairs: Paul Atkinson (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) &
Charles Vincent (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil)
TRACK 5 | The New Imperialism: the international face of design and
design history
Papers submitted to this track should draw attention to the nature of
design practice and history in the wider world, beyond the orthodox
mapping of activity in the mainstream industrialized nations of the
west, therefore helping to redraw the world map of design activity,
history and politics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Track Chairs: Jonathan Woodham (University of Brighton, UK) & Denise
Dantas (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 6 | Open Strand
This track welcomes papers that relate to the general topic of the
Conference, but that do not fit the other tracks.
Track Chairs: Victor Margolin (University of Illinois at Chicago, US)
& Priscila Farias (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
+ + +
Priscila Farias (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Anna Calvera
(University of Barcelona, Spain)
Marcos Braga (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Zuleica Schincariol
(Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil)
+ + +
ICDHS 2012 • Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies
8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History and
Design Studies
3-6 September
São Paulo - Brazil
University of São Paulo • Mackenzie Presbyterian University
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ICDHS 2012 • Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies
History marks territories that in some way or another are reflected in
design. Since the first ICDHS conference, held in Barcelona in 1999,
significant steps were taken to draw attention to the nature of design
studies, practice and history in a wider world context. Parallel to
that, the configuration of design landscapes has been significantly
altered by education, technology and national state policies intended
to promote local industries and sites by means of design.
The 8th ICDHS conference, “Design Frontiers: territories, concepts,
technologies”, aims to discuss how design history and design studies
may push the limits of design knowledge. The frontiers of design may
be challenged by the exploration of new territories, by the
establishment of new concepts, by the emergence of new technologies,
as well as by rediscovering the past and by finding new ways of
applying current wisdom.
+ + +
Deadline for paper proposals: 29 February 2012
Notification of acceptance: 1 May 2012
Deadline for author registration: 1 July 2012
+ + +
Papers are expected to address one of the conference tracks, and to
make an original contribution to the field of design history and
design studies. Paper proposals will be selected by the ICDHS members
and the scientific committee to cover different areas, methods,
approaches and positions.
All proposals should be submitted via EasyChair system, accessible
through this link.
Submissions should be prepared according to the conference guidelines
available in the conference website.
Official language for submissions is English only.
Papers selected might be indicated to be presented orally or in poster format.
All selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions
for publication in a book of selected papers to be published by
Editorial Designio.
+ + +
TRACK 1 | History of Design Education
This track welcomes historical studies of design education,
particularly comparative studies of design education in different
countries, cultures, periods, in its relationship with art and
technology education.
Track Chairs: Haruhiko Fujita (Osaka University, Japan) & Silvio
Barreto Campello (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil)
TRACK 2 | Identities and Territories
In this track we expect participants to contribute with discussions on
topics such as micro history, collective identities, gender,
internationalization, marginalization, globalization, and other
studies that focus on design from the perspective of identity and
territorial issues.
Track Chairs: Oscar Salinas Flores (National University of Mexico,
Mexico) & Clice Mazzilli (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 3 | National Policies on Design
This track invites submissions that study totally or partially
state-funded plans and institutions for the promotion of design. Plans
and institutions must be studied as signifying practices in both their
economic and their cultural dimensions.
Track Chairs: Javier Gimeno-Martínez (VU University Amsterdam,
Netherlands & Artesis University College of Antwerp, Belgium) & Cyntia
Malaguti (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 4 | Techniques and Technologies
Papers submitted to this track may be concerned with various
methodologies and different models of process and practice (for
example user centered design, codesign or open design); new
territories of practice emerging from cross disciplinary or
interdisciplinary collaborations; or histories of technique and
practice. Papers may also develop discourse around emerging and
enabling technologies that have impacted or will impact on the
production, reception and consumption of design; or describe different
histories of technologies.
Track Chairs: Paul Atkinson (Sheffield Hallam University, UK) &
Charles Vincent (Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil)
TRACK 5 | The New Imperialism: the international face of design and
design history
Papers submitted to this track should draw attention to the nature of
design practice and history in the wider world, beyond the orthodox
mapping of activity in the mainstream industrialized nations of the
west, therefore helping to redraw the world map of design activity,
history and politics in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Track Chairs: Jonathan Woodham (University of Brighton, UK) & Denise
Dantas (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
TRACK 6 | Open Strand
This track welcomes papers that relate to the general topic of the
Conference, but that do not fit the other tracks.
Track Chairs: Victor Margolin (University of Illinois at Chicago, US)
& Priscila Farias (University of São Paulo, Brazil)
+ + +
Priscila Farias (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Anna Calvera
(University of Barcelona, Spain)
Marcos Braga (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and Zuleica Schincariol
(Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Brazil)
+ + +
Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations
The Nanjing 11th World Congress of Semiotics (IASS)
Call for Papers
▬▬ Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations ▬▬
Time: October 5 – 9, 2012
Location: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
Modern semiotic theories can be traced back to four theoretical sources originating in the beginning of the 20th century: Saussurean structural linguistics, Peircean pragmatism, Husserlian phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Since then a variety of semiotic theories in various fields of European and American human and social sciences have developed in addition to philosophical ways of reasoning. Semiotic theorization is typically interdisciplinary in nature, indicating a pluralization of scientific thinking about mankind. This pluralized theoretical tendency has been further strengthened by the unprecedented progress of current semiotic sciences since the end of the Second World War. Current semiotics has become a major impetus for structural reform efforts in the human sciences.
After its hundred years of modernization contemporary semiotics has arrived at another turning point at the beginning of the 21st century: the globalization of semiotics, or cross-cultural semiotic expansion. Cross-cultural semiotics is the natural development and extension of the interdisciplinary humanities of the West in our times. Unlike the natural and social sciences, human sciences, including their semiotic epistemology and methodology, deal with both horizontal and diachronic phenomena in human history. That means semiotics, as a constitutive part of human sciences, is fated to be confronted with the most difficult as well as the most significant challenges arising from human conditions.
Semiotics is popularly called the logic or general semantics of culture. So it implicitly includes cultural-academic globalization and cross-civilization communication. In light of comparative scholarship, this new-century semiotics signifies a comprehensive interaction between European-American and non-European-American intellectual sources, characterized by its strength in doing general-semantic analysis in respect to linguistic-expressive, behavior-communicative and institutional-compositional levels. In this sense, semiotic work, necessarily interdisciplinary, must be converged with the modern theoretical practice of all human sciences still partly suffering from its traditional semantically ambiguous composition. The typology of the scientific and the rational practices would thus be more relevantly adjusted to accommodate different historical realities. Semiotics, functioning as a universal semantic denominator, will promote intellectual communication among different civilizations, cultures and disciplines.
The Nanjing 11th World Congress of Semiotics will be the first IASS forum in history to be held outside Europe or the Americas. Substantially and symbolically it will provide semiotic scholars from all over the world with a suitable dialogic context for exploring the new orientation of global semiotics. In conjunction with the 11th IASS Congress, whose program will basically follow the rules and procedures established in the past IASS congresses, there will be also a parallel conference in Nanjing, the First China Semiotics Forum, which will provide additional opportunities for comparative-semiotic communication.
In order to prepare the scientific program, we are requesting that interested participants initially present their proposals, or requests, for panels and round-tables to our scientific contact, Mr. Ji Haihong (semio2012@hotmail.com). The program will be arranged to reflect the interests and priorities of those intending to participate. Online registration and formal submission of abstracts (200-300 words) will be requested later, according to the rules that will be announced in the near future.
Please send to us in your earlier convenience proposals or abstracts about any semiotic topic concerning nature, society and culture, especially with respect to the following fields:
General theory and philosophy;
Linguistics and logic;
Literature and arts;
History, sociology and anthropology;
Theories of film and video and media;
Cognitive and biosemiotic studies.
The Preparatory Committee of Nanjing 11th Congress of Semiotics
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing China
January 1, 2011
(The official website: www.semio2012.com)
Call for Papers
▬▬ Global Semiotics: Bridging Different Civilizations ▬▬
Time: October 5 – 9, 2012
Location: Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, China
Modern semiotic theories can be traced back to four theoretical sources originating in the beginning of the 20th century: Saussurean structural linguistics, Peircean pragmatism, Husserlian phenomenology and analytical philosophy. Since then a variety of semiotic theories in various fields of European and American human and social sciences have developed in addition to philosophical ways of reasoning. Semiotic theorization is typically interdisciplinary in nature, indicating a pluralization of scientific thinking about mankind. This pluralized theoretical tendency has been further strengthened by the unprecedented progress of current semiotic sciences since the end of the Second World War. Current semiotics has become a major impetus for structural reform efforts in the human sciences.
After its hundred years of modernization contemporary semiotics has arrived at another turning point at the beginning of the 21st century: the globalization of semiotics, or cross-cultural semiotic expansion. Cross-cultural semiotics is the natural development and extension of the interdisciplinary humanities of the West in our times. Unlike the natural and social sciences, human sciences, including their semiotic epistemology and methodology, deal with both horizontal and diachronic phenomena in human history. That means semiotics, as a constitutive part of human sciences, is fated to be confronted with the most difficult as well as the most significant challenges arising from human conditions.
Semiotics is popularly called the logic or general semantics of culture. So it implicitly includes cultural-academic globalization and cross-civilization communication. In light of comparative scholarship, this new-century semiotics signifies a comprehensive interaction between European-American and non-European-American intellectual sources, characterized by its strength in doing general-semantic analysis in respect to linguistic-expressive, behavior-communicative and institutional-compositional levels. In this sense, semiotic work, necessarily interdisciplinary, must be converged with the modern theoretical practice of all human sciences still partly suffering from its traditional semantically ambiguous composition. The typology of the scientific and the rational practices would thus be more relevantly adjusted to accommodate different historical realities. Semiotics, functioning as a universal semantic denominator, will promote intellectual communication among different civilizations, cultures and disciplines.
The Nanjing 11th World Congress of Semiotics will be the first IASS forum in history to be held outside Europe or the Americas. Substantially and symbolically it will provide semiotic scholars from all over the world with a suitable dialogic context for exploring the new orientation of global semiotics. In conjunction with the 11th IASS Congress, whose program will basically follow the rules and procedures established in the past IASS congresses, there will be also a parallel conference in Nanjing, the First China Semiotics Forum, which will provide additional opportunities for comparative-semiotic communication.
In order to prepare the scientific program, we are requesting that interested participants initially present their proposals, or requests, for panels and round-tables to our scientific contact, Mr. Ji Haihong (semio2012@hotmail.com). The program will be arranged to reflect the interests and priorities of those intending to participate. Online registration and formal submission of abstracts (200-300 words) will be requested later, according to the rules that will be announced in the near future.
Please send to us in your earlier convenience proposals or abstracts about any semiotic topic concerning nature, society and culture, especially with respect to the following fields:
General theory and philosophy;
Linguistics and logic;
Literature and arts;
History, sociology and anthropology;
Theories of film and video and media;
Cognitive and biosemiotic studies.
The Preparatory Committee of Nanjing 11th Congress of Semiotics
Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing China
January 1, 2011
(The official website: www.semio2012.com)
Art and consciousness in the post-biological era.
An International Research Conference in the Planetary Collegium’s Consciousness Reframed Series convened by the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
APRIL 3O – MAY 2, 2012
“Convened in Greece, the conference takes its theme from the conjunction of telos and tele, (τέλος and τῆλε), in the purposes and processes of art in the post-digital culture. At the centre of these considerations is Mind, and the rich variability of consciousness and reality, to which technoetic systems and syncretic creativity aspire. Papers and projects are welcomed that address these issues, and which seek insights into the function of metaphor and myth in the emergent complexity of the post-biological era.”
Roy Ascott
In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, at the University of Plymouth, England, ICAC – Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is hosting Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference series, with the title of ‘TECHNOETIC TELOS: Art, Myth and Media‘.
The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.
As part of the conference a call for papers is now open for 25-30 speakers, in addition to speakers involved in the Planetary Collegium doctoral research programme at CAiiA – Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts.
Important Dates:
Deadline for Abstracts: (no more than 500 words) Dec 20, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: January 30, 2012
Deadline for full papers: (no more than 2.500 words) February 27, 2012
Conference dates: April 30, May 2, 2012
Abstracts should be submitted as an attached document in Word file by e-mail to: technoetictelos@gmail.com with author’s name, affiliation and contact info.
Selected papers will be published in Technoetic Arts Journal, Intellect Ltd.
Submission of full papers:
Papers will be required (no more than 2.500 words) by February 21, 2012. Papers received after that date will not be part in the process of publication.
Presenters Fee
The registration fee is 150 Euros. The deadline for payment is February 27, 2012. Late payment is subject to cancellation of participation.
Art and consciousness in the post-biological era.
An International Research Conference in the Planetary Collegium’s Consciousness Reframed Series convened by the Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture, Kefalonia, Greece.
APRIL 3O – MAY 2, 2012
“Convened in Greece, the conference takes its theme from the conjunction of telos and tele, (τέλος and τῆλε), in the purposes and processes of art in the post-digital culture. At the centre of these considerations is Mind, and the rich variability of consciousness and reality, to which technoetic systems and syncretic creativity aspire. Papers and projects are welcomed that address these issues, and which seek insights into the function of metaphor and myth in the emergent complexity of the post-biological era.”
Roy Ascott
In cooperation with the Planetary Collegium, at the University of Plymouth, England, ICAC – Ionion Center for the Arts and Culture is hosting Consciousness Reframed International Research Conference series, with the title of ‘TECHNOETIC TELOS: Art, Myth and Media‘.
The Consciousness Reframed conference series was founded by Roy Ascott at the University of Wales in 1997. Consciousness Reframed is a forum for trans-disciplinary inquiry into art, science, technology, design and consciousness, drawing upon the expertise and insights of artists, designers, architects, performers, musicians, writers, scientists, and scholars, usually from at least 20 countries.
As part of the conference a call for papers is now open for 25-30 speakers, in addition to speakers involved in the Planetary Collegium doctoral research programme at CAiiA – Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts.
Important Dates:
Deadline for Abstracts: (no more than 500 words) Dec 20, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: January 30, 2012
Deadline for full papers: (no more than 2.500 words) February 27, 2012
Conference dates: April 30, May 2, 2012
Abstracts should be submitted as an attached document in Word file by e-mail to: technoetictelos@gmail.com with author’s name, affiliation and contact info.
Selected papers will be published in Technoetic Arts Journal, Intellect Ltd.
Submission of full papers:
Papers will be required (no more than 2.500 words) by February 21, 2012. Papers received after that date will not be part in the process of publication.
Presenters Fee
The registration fee is 150 Euros. The deadline for payment is February 27, 2012. Late payment is subject to cancellation of participation.
Postagens (Atom)